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What’s better... a great cornerback or a great wide receiver

The Denver Broncos are blessed to have of the NFL’s most talented cornerbacks in Patrick Surtain, II. Defensive Coordinator Vance Joseph has one piece of his defensive puzzle solidly in place for any game plan: pick a corner assignment, put Surtain on it, and consider it covered.

As a big fan of defense, I love having this blue-chip player on the roster, but it begs the question, is it better in today’s NFL to have a great wide receiver on your roster or a great cornerback?

Wide receiver pros:

  • Gives your offense a legitimate threat to score on any play
  • Can be used as a decoy to open up a big play to your other playmakers
  • Extends drives by being a better-than-average target to convert 3rd downs

Cornerback pros:

  • Can shut down the opponent’s best-receiving target
  • Allows extra defenders to focus on other areas of the field that need support
  • Interceptions oftentimes contribute greatly to winning games

My take:

I’m taking the corner every day for one simple fact: you can get wide receiver talent easily as that’s the most reliable player base coming out of the college game today.